Development & Smart Growth
West Ashley
West Ashley is full of beautiful neighborhoods and great communities; my wife, children, family and friends live among them. The reality is that planned and consistent improvements, shared use paths, beautification, and integration of service and amenities in West Ashley has been slow, non-existent in some areas, and out right ignored in others. Put simply, the city has not consistently invested in improving the quality of life and capturing the vibrant spirit of the largest part of our beloved city. This long overdue work is not right, fair, nor equitable.
The vacant Piggly Wiggly site in West Ashley is a prime example of this long overdue work. The city has owned the property since 2017 but during that time there has been zero benefit to the residents. Nothing has been leveraged or gained for the city in nearly 6 years. Now, during an election year, we have three options to choose from. This is not effective leadership.
Given the redevelopment right next door, the city should not be competing with Faison, the real estate development firm that owns the land on Ashley Landing. The city should have formed a public/private partnership with Faison in order to complement the redevelopment and revitalization. Faison will put over $100 million into the redevelopment of their property. Such partnerships have been successfully done on the peninsula and this would be no different with the right leadership, integrity, attitude, focus, and determination. Further, the $45 million tax increment financing district that this area is in should actually start making needed improvements and beautification at the North Bridge end, to this site and along the rest of Sam Rittenberg Blvd.
We can and should do better. West Ashley deserves nothing less.
As Mayor, I will:
Provide a budget, progress to goal, and lines of effort on recommendations that will better serve the residents and businesses in West Ashley
Collaborate with the county and state on collective efforts to improve infrastructure needs, enhance the quality of life for residents, and better plan for a sustainability region
Elevate city staff leadership in order to empower them to make decisions and address the demands that have been lacking
The redevelopment of Union Pier is needed and the level of interest generated is exciting. I have attended every public meeting on this topic since last year. I have met with the Ports Authority, their development agent, residents, community organizations, and other stakeholders. One thing is very certain, the city removed itself from the driver's seat on shaping what this area could be. We have an opportunity to demonstrate our values, reimage and connect these 70 acres back to the public. Yet, the void in leadership in recent years failed to make this a priority. Increased maritime activity would not serve Charleston well. Limited open green space and affordable housing on site, and massive buildings does not enhance our quality of life. The planned unit development we are debating must be inclusive, bold, and sustainable for a generation yet born. There are too many good ideas, unresolved matters, and too much to lose for us to get this wrong.
As Mayor, I will:
Provide what has been missing from City Hall; bold servant leadership, a clear vision, and open communication
Not leave transformational projects in the hands of others
Seek input from residents, stakeholders, and those that are traditionally not included in such projects
James Island, Johns Island, and Daniel Island
I have family and friends that call these beautiful areas home. Each part of our beloved city has its unique characteristics, opportunities, and needs. We can’t put one part of the city over another, say yes to every development, not provide basic city services, and continue to ignore parts of our community that are normally served last.
As Mayor, I will:
Focus on infrastructure, services, and improving your quality of life
Not take advantage of you
Seek input from residents, stakeholders, and those that are traditionally not included in the decision making process on how we grow together