Clay Middleton Announces Angela Kouters as Campaign Manager in His Bid for Mayor of Charleston
CHARLESTON, SC - Today, Clay Middleton - native Charlestonian, Army combat veteran, public servant, husband, and father of two - running for Mayor of Charleston announced he has hired Angela Kouters to manage his campaign.
Angela Kouters is a veteran political operative who lives in Charleston and began her career working for the late U.S. Senator Fritz Hollings. Kouters is a College of Charleston graduate and brings an extensive political background to the campaign.
After starting with Hollings, she went on to work for John Kerry’s presidential campaign, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, as chief of staff for three U.S. House members and as a director of legislative affairs for President Barack Obama at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Kouters also served as Chief of Staff to Mayor Pete Buttigieg in South Bend, IN and worked for Senator Amy Klobuchar’s presidential campaign.
In 2020, when the pandemic hit, Kouters co-founded the Independent Restaurant Coalition, with local Charleston chefs, that ultimately secured $66 billion in aid for local independent restaurants.
“I am thrilled to have Angela serve as my campaign manager. She is smart, focused, driven, and has good instincts. Her experience in public service, campaigns, and governing provides a unique blend of expertise that are well suited for this position. I’ve enjoyed working with her and look forward to having her lead our campaign efforts” said Middleton.
Kouters said “I got to know Clay when we both worked on Capitol Hill and we share the same values of public service and taking care of our community. I’m thrilled to work for such a strong and dedicated leader to improve Charleston.”
Kouters lives near Hampton Park with her rescue dog, Tilly.
Press contact: Angela Kouters, Campaign Manager