125+ Community Members Support Clay Middleton to Become the Next Mayor of Charleston

Charleston, S.C. – Charleston Mayoral candidate, Clay Middleton, has announced the support of 125+ citizens who support his run to become the next Mayor of Charleston. 

Prominent members of the community, some of whom have previously endorsed the incumbent, have spoken out in support of Clay Middleton. Supporters include former and current City Council members, other elected officials, faith leaders, community activists, small business owners, local advocates, etc. You can find the growing list of supporters here

Charleston Mayoral candidate, Clay Middleton, said,  “We formally started this journey 18 months ago. I am humbled, grateful, and blessed to have the support of a diverse group of leaders and stakeholders who believe in my ability to lead and manage a growing city like Charleston. I will work every day to prove myself worthy of their support; and earn and keep the trust, faith, and confidence of the residents of Charleston. I have been very intentional about building a broad coalition, providing hope and opportunity, putting forth ideas and a shared vision, and proving people wrong on what is possible to create a city that works for everyone. Together, each of us can be a new brick in an old foundation.”

A Charleston native from Bayside Manor, Burke and Citadel graduate, Lieutenant Colonel in the SC Army National Guard serving as a Battalion Commander, combat veteran, and public affairs professional, Clay Middleton is working to persuade Charleston residents to vote for him to be Charleston’s next Mayor. 

“We didn’t come this far just to come this far. We still have ground to cover between now and Election Day to create a Charleston that is affordable, accessible, and livable for residents first. I may be outraised and outspent in this election, but I will not be outworked. Thank you again to those that put their name on the line. My family and I are eternally grateful.”  Middleton said. 

For more information on Middleton’s race to become Charleston’s next Mayor, visit www.claymiddleton.com.

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Clay Middleton is a native Charlestonian who has dedicated his life to public service. A graduate of The Citadel, he is currently a Lieutenant Colonel serving as a Battalion Commander in the South Carolina Army National Guard. He served as Director of Business Services for the city of Charleston, where he led the Business & Neighborhood Services division. Previously, he served in the Obama administration and longtime aide to Congressman Jim Clyburn.